Hi there! Thank you for visiting my blog!!
I have two blogs, the other is for my interest in reading books^^
I am a really easy-going person so if there are anything that you wanna comment on, please do so!!

Well then, God Bless & Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mua is a Jolly Good Mood Now...

Hello Everyone!!! It hasn't been long since i last blogged. Well, let get on with the latest news.
1)Went back to school today & had a half-day orientation. Ended at roughly 11.30am+.
2)Kept thinking of him in school...Cause he stays real near my school!!!
3)Called his house almost immediately after school, to ask him to come down.
4)Nervous like shit when i first saw him today, lol. Butterflies in my tummy for real!!! Cause i sorta had a tummyache...
5)Finally met him, moved around blk 81, instead of sitting down, he wanted to stand,lol.
6)He was moving alot, as in like, hands move thn lean against railing, thn nvr lean.
7)Had an old uncle who scared the shit out of the both of us...LOL.
What happened:
-Uncle;'Hey!( both of us look er, shocked...) Where is blk 83 arh??(lol)'
-Him;'er,...(looks at me cause he thought that was my dad, lol & that was when i thought that uncle was HIS da,lol), over there(points the direction)'
-Me;'blk 83 should be there...(points too,lol)'
-Him;'i thought that was your father(lol)'
-Me; ' i thought that was YOUR dad (lol)'
8)He walked me to my busstop, & that is sooooo SWEET^^. Hahas.

Well, i got to go now. Still love him!! Bye bye^^.LOL.

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