Hi there! Thank you for visiting my blog!!
I have two blogs, the other is for my interest in reading books^^
I am a really easy-going person so if there are anything that you wanna comment on, please do so!!

Well then, God Bless & Enjoy!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Had A Glance Through...

I had a glance through all my past blog posts. Realized that im really hyper.(Self-Praise.LOL.XD)
I took afew recent pictures & really wanna upload them but the damn wire seems to be missing (on purpose?). Craps. Grapes said that she wanted to conference with Apple. I checked with her, she said that she thinks its tiring to(its only talking.lol). I sent a msg to Grapes this morning, hope she received it safe & sound. Its a mission, and our parents must never know. God, this is amusing.They will kill us if they found out that I am still talking to guys...

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